" For centuries, people from all over the globe have been following the sun to Southern California - to a costal paradise of beautiful weather, inspiring landscapes and an ocean of possibilities. Since it was first settled, Los Angeles - the “City of Angles” - has built a culture of progress by harnessing creativity and imagination for reinvention. Today it is more than a city. It's a mindset. A movement. Millions of people speaking hundreds of languages coming together under two iconic letters: LA. ...so, fly to LA and see for yourself how the area is transforming itself ahead of the LA28 Summer Olympic Games. It all happens here in the City of Opportunity! There has never been a better time to start your venture in California and as a boutique consulting & investment firm, we got the resources to help you make it in one of the most dynamic cities in the world." - Bernd Hess
Palm Springs Beach club... ...coming soon
Transforming urban transit
We estimate that autonomous driving at scale could cost as little as $0.25 per mile and will be much safer than human drivers. RoboTaxi & CyberCab transportation in LA will serve a much wider population than human-driven ride-hail does today.